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Membership Information

Membership Information

Become a member of The Confederation of British Surgery and choose the membership option that best suits your personal requirements


Membership Only Subscriptions

*Limited Offer* Lifetime Platinum Membership

available to new  & existing members between until 31 Dec 2024 (offer will cease once 70 memberships have been confirmed).

£700 (only 70 available until 31 Dec 2024):

New Members: Join Here

Existing Members: Upgrade Here

(annual memberships will be refunded on a pro-rata basis once an upgrade payment is made)

CBS Fellow Membership for Consultants in Practice

£13.25 per month or £159 per annum  via direct debit:            Join Here


CBS Associate/Trainee Membership for Specialist Trainee/Non-Consultant Grades/Retired:


£6.50 per month or £78 per annum  via direct debit:                   

Join Here

CT1-CT2 Grade

£3.25 per month via direct debit (24 months) Join Here

FY1 & FY2 Grade


£1.65 per month via direct debit (24 months): Join Here

Undergraduate Medical Students (members of university or surgical specialty society)

Free of charge for duration of undergraduate degree: Join Here

(no payments will be taken until the free membership period has expired)

Combined INDIGO Indemnity & CBS membership Subscription packages:

Consultant Membership & Indemnity Package - includes CBS Fellow Membership, Comprehensive professional medical indemnity cover for all NHS & Training activities plus £10000-£20000 income from work as a Medicolegal Expert (upper limit negotiable).   

Consultant Package with Private Practice - includes the same benefits as above but policy covers private practice too. 


Associate/Trainee Membership & Indemnity Package - includes CBS Associate membership, Comprehensive NHS Professional Behaviours cover plus Unlimited Assisting in the Private Sector and up to £20000 assistant fee income. 

(If you are a Plastic Surgeon please contact PRASIS for Indemnity Insurance or if you are an Orthopaedic Surgeon please contact OTSIS for Indemnity Insurance)


from £591 per annum/£53 per month: 

More Information & How to Join

More Information & How to Join


from £500 per annum/£45 per month 

More information & How to Join

PRASIS & OTSIS Specialty Indemnity Members Scheme Offer

FREE CBS membership for 1 year for PRASIS (Plastic Suregons) & OTSIS (Orthopaedic Surgeons) Consultants in Practice and Trainees.



Join here (no payments will be taken until the free membership period has expired)

Should you wish to cancel your membership at anytime please contact